U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petition was filed in Sun v. Mashantucket Pequot Gaming Enterprise (Jurisdiction; Due Process) on January 3, 2017.
Petition was denied in Alto v. Jewell (Disenrollment) on February 27, 2017.
U.S. Federal Courts Bulletin
State of Wyoming v. United States Environmental Protection Agency (Reservation Diminishment)
Bruguier v. Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians (Employment - Wrongful Termination)
Fort Sill Apache Tribe v. National Indian Gaming Commission (Gaming - Tribal Lands)
Tribal Courts Bulletin
Becenti-Aguilar v. Begay (Tribal Elections)
Calflooking v. Tulalip Tribes (Criminal Law - Exclusion)
State Courts Bulletin
Lundgren v. Upper Skagit Indian Tribe (In Rem Jurisdiction; Tribal Sovereign Immunity)
In re Adoption of A.R. (Indian Child Welfare Act; Posthumous Adoptions)
News Bulletin
In the Recognition and Enrollment section, we feature an article about the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear a tribal disenrollment case.
Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin
Here are the articles featured this week:
Congress resurrects a Native harvest and creates potential for conflict in migratory bird management.
The legislative history of the McCarran amendment: An effort to determine whether Congress intended for State court jurisdiction to extend to Indian reserved water rights.
The control of air pollution on Indian reservations.
U.S. Legislation Bulletin
Two bills were added:
S.458: A bill to support the education of Indian children.
S.465: A bill to provide for an independent outside audit of the Indian Health Service.