June 1, 2022

Indian Law Bulletins Updated 6/1/22

Federal Courts Bulletin

  • Brown v. Haaland (Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act)
  • Fort Defiance Indian Hospital, Inc. v. Becerra (Health Care; Trust Relationship; Indian Health Service)
  • Walen v. Burgum, and The Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation (Voting Rights - Redistricting)

State Courts Bulletin

  • In the Interest of A.H. and B.H., Children. (Indian Child Welfare Act)

U.S. Legislation - 117th Congress Bulletin

  • S.4323 - A bill to amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to establish an urban Indian organization confer policy for the Department of Health and Human Services.

Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin (contact us if you need help finding a copy of an article)

  • Belated justice: The failures and promise of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act.
  • Learning from Hobby Lobby's misdeeds: Crafting new international due diligence standards for human rights and cultural heritage.
  • Missing and murdered: Finding a solution to address the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada and classifying it as a 'Canadian genocide.'
  • The mess that has become Indian gaming in Oklahoma.
  • A case for deference in American Indian health law.
  • Meeting the McGirt moment: The Five Tribes, sovereignty & criminal jurisdiction in Oklahoma's new Indian Country.

News Bulletin
This week, in brief:

  • South Dakota ruled noncompliant with federal voter law
  • Some Tununak residents have been living without internet for over 3 months
  • New ‘roadmap’ helps tribes access historic levels of infrastructure funding
  • Havasupai Tribe sends letter of opposition to Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; reiterates opposition to Pinyon Plain Mine aquifer protection permit
  • Cherokee Nation takes steps to protect tribal elections from outside influence, dark money
  • Why are there so few Native federal judges?
  • Nonprofit receives grant to teach Lakota language in NYC, despite Standing Rock ban
  • Bridging the Indigenous digital divide
  • Combining old and new: Aquaponics opens the door to Indigenous food security
  • ‘You go all in’: DinĂ© composer from Chinle wins Pulitzer for music
  • Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History returns artifacts to Chumash tribe