October 6, 2021

Indian Law Bulletins Updated 10/6/21

U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin

  • Two petitions for certiorari were denied this week on 10/4/21:
    • Jamul Action Committee, et al. v. Simermeyer, et al. (Sovereign Immunity; Federally Recognized Tribes)
    • Perkins v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (Indian Taxation)

Federal Courts Bulletin

  • Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe v. United States (Indian Health Service; Contract Support Costs)
  • Yurok Tribe v. Bureau of Reclamation (Klamath Water Basin; Endangered Species Act; Water Rights)

State Courts Bulletin

  • Laws v. Greyeyes (Voting Rights)

U.S. Legislation - 117th Congress Bulletin

  • S.2907/H.R.5444 - To establish the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the United States, and for other purposes.

News Bulletin
This week, in brief:

  • Muscogee Nation citizen Lauren J. King confirmed by US Senate to serve as federal district judge
  • Indian tribes are governing well. It's the states that are failing
  • Cherokee Nation detention costs jump from $37,000 to $800,000-plus
  • Listen: The impact of the Native American vote on U.S. elections
  • President Biden to nominate Navajo citizen Shelly Lowe to be chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Cowlitz comic releases Comedy Central video: 'How to cope with your team changing its Native American mascot'
  • New California law aims to help more Black and Indigenous people survive childbirth
  • Oklahoma State University to develop Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity
  • ‘No one is illegal on stolen Indigenous land’: Native activist speaks out on viral encounter
  • National speaker to offer tools for better understanding Native American traumas
  • Toppled statue to be replaced with memorial to tribes
  • The time of the Indigenous critic has arrived