U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petitions were denied on January 9, 2017 in:
Mackinac Tribe v. Jewell (Federal Acknowledgment Process - Timeliness)
Nisenan Tribe of Nevada City Rancheria v. Jewell (Nunc Pro Tune Ruling)
R.P. v. LA County Department of Children and Family Services (Indian Child Welfare Act - Placement Preferences)
City of Myton, Utah v. Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation (Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction)
and on January 23 in:
Aguayo v. Jewell (Tribal Governance - Membership)
Petition was filed in:
Alto v. Jewell (Native American Status) on 12/19/16.
Read the latest Tribal Supreme Court Project update memo published on 1/10/17.
U.S. Federal Courts Bulletin
Hackford v. State of Utah (Criminal Jurisdiction)
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community v. BNSF Railway Company (Easement Agreement)
Scudero v. Moran (Indian Civil Rights Act - Exhaustion of Tribal Remedies)
The Tulalip Tribes v. United States (Indian Commerce Clause)
Whiteagle v. United States (Tribal Exhaustion Doctrine)
NEW! Tribal Courts Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/tribal/2016.htmlIn re Crocker (Enrollment - Disenrollment)
General Council Agency v. Ho-Chunk Nation Ethics Review Bd. (Justiciability)
Daddis v. Navajo Arts and Crafts Enterprise (Commercial Law; Employment Law)
Melchert v. Oneida Tribe of Indians Wis. Div. of Land Mgmt (Jurisdiction)
Palmer v. Hrd-Benefits (Worker's Compensation)
Barton v. Lee (Family Law; Domestic Abuse)
Rogers v. Mashantucket Pequot Gaming Enterprise (Civil Law; Tort Law)
Ruffo v. Craft Worldwide Holdings, LLC (Civil Law; Tort Law)
Hadley v. Navajo Nation Dept. of Public Safety, Chinle Police Department (Commercial Law; Employment Law - Harassment)
Hazard v. Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (Civil Law; Tort Law - Personal Injury)
State Courts Bulletin
S.S. v. Stephanie H. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Private Severance)
In the Matter of L. M. G. M. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Termination of Parental Rights)
City of Snoqualmie v. King County Executive Dow Constantine (Property Taxation)
News Bulletin
In the Culture & Tradition section, we feature a couple of articles about court decisions relating to the Indian Child Welfare Act. We also have updates in other sections of the bulletin on the Trump executive orders on the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.
U.S. Regulatory Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/regulatory/2017.htmlThe Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, has published the updated list of Indian entities recognized and eligible to receive services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin
Here are the articles featured this week:
Free speech & disparaging trademarks.
Tribal advocates as ministers of justice: a potentially problematic concept.
Caught on the wrong side of the line: an examination of the relationship between the payday loan industry and American Indian tribal sovereignty.
Climate change: carbon market.
Renewable energy service companies for Indian Country.
The lack of trust in a trust relationship: Indian affairs and the federal government.
Online sovereignty: the law and economics of tribal electronic commerce.
"Fed" up with acidification: "trusting" the Federal Government to protect the Tulalip Tribes' access to shellfish beds.
U.S. Legislation Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/legislation/115_uslegislation.htmlEighteen bills were added!