* U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
White v. University of California (Native American Graves and Repatriation Act)
McAllen Grace Brethren Church v. Salazar (Religious Freedom Restoration Act, possession of eagle feathers by Indians not members of federally recognized tribe)
Jackson v. Payday Financial, LLC (tribal jurisdiction, payday loans)
* State Courts Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/state/2014state.htmlCases featured:
In re Candace A. (Indian Child Welfare Act, child in need of aid)
Outsource Services Management, LLC v. Nooksack Business Corp. (breach of loan, jurisdiction)
In re K.S. (Indian Child Welfare Act, termination of parental rights)
* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Cases featured:
Maniilaq Association v. Burwell (lease, Indian Health Service)
United States v. Nichols (tribal exclusion)
* News Bulletin
the "Land & Water" section, we feature an article about an historic
land trust agreement between the Oneida Indian Nation and the federal
* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
We feature an article about the Tribal Wills Project at the University of Denver Strum College of Law.
* U.S. Legislation Bulletin
We added two new bills:
H.R.5020 - Indian Tribal Self-Determination in Land Consolidation Act of 2014
- May 31, 1918 Act Repeal Act (authorized the Secretary of the
Interior to set aside and reserve a tract of land within the Fort Hall
Indian Reservation, Idaho, for town-site purposes).