* U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petitions for certiorari have been denied in Wolfchild v. U.S. and Zephier v. U.S. (trusts and estates, takings)
* U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
United States v. Wanna (misapplication of tribal funds)
* State Courts Bulletin
Cases featured:
City of Duluth v. Fond Du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa (tribal sovereign immunity)
* News Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/news/currentnews.htmIn the "Health & Welfare" section, we feature an article on the high rate of suicide among Native American children.
* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
We feature an article on genocide and Native American boarding schools.
* Regulatory Bulletin
feature a notice of the Department of Health & Human Services,
Administration for Children & Families, regarding a request for
public comment on the adoption of program policies and procedures for
the Native Asset Building Initiative, a joint funding opportunity
announcement between the Administration for Native Americans and the
Office of Community Services.
* U.S. Legislation Bulletin
One new bill was added:
S.2040: Blackfoot River Land Exchange Act of 2014