February 6, 2014

NILL added new content in 5 Indian Law Bulletins on 2/06

drawing of a feather
* State Courts Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/state/2014state.htmlCases featured:
In re C.B. (Indian Child Welfare Act, termination of parental rights)

* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Tuttle v. Jewell (termination of lease)
New York v. Smith (jurisdiction)

* News Bulletin
In the "Education" section, we feature a news story about legislation in Colorado that would allow students from any tribe with historic ties to Colorado to qualify for in-state tuition at any of the state’s public colleges and universities.

* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
We feature an article written by David Selden of NARF/NILL on tribal law research.

* Regulatory Bulletin
http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/regulatory/2014fr.htmlWe feature a final notice of an EPA plan for the federal certification of applicators of restricted use pesticides within Indian country.