July 31, 2024

Indian Law Bulletins Updated 7/31/2024

U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin

The Tribal Supreme Court Project published an Update Memorandum on July 19, 2024: https://sct.narf.org/updatememos/2024/7-19-24.pdf

Federal Courts Bulletin

  • Roybal v. Schnell (Religious Freedom)
  • United States of America v. Joey Anthony Andy (Criminal Jurisdiction)
  • L. B. v. United States of America, et al. (Summary Judgment; Scope of Authority; Judicial Reassignment)
  • United States v. Wood (Major Crimes Act; Indian Status; Authenticity of Record)
  • United States v. Holt (Tribal Search Warrant; Probable Cause; Good Faith Exception)
  • Narragansett Indian Tribe v. Bhatt (National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA); Administrative Procedure Act (APA); Programmatic Agreement)
  • Bibeau v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue (Taxation; Treaty Rights; Self-Employment Income)
  • Protect The Peninsula's Future, et al. v. Haaland, et al. (Refuge Act; Administrative Procedure Act (APA); Tribal Economic Development)

U.S. Legislation - 118th Congress Bulletin

  • S.4842 - A bill to amend the Stored Communications Act to include Tribal courts as courts of competent jurisdiction.
  • H.R.9121 - To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to allow Indian Tribal Governments to directly request fire management assistance declarations and grants, and for other purposes.

U.S. Regulatory Bulletin

  • Organization, Functions, And Delegations of Authority; Part G, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (HHS)
  • Alaska Native Claims Selection (Interior)
  • Indian Education Discretionary Grant Programs; Professional Development Program (Education)
  • Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee Notice of Public Meeting (Interior)
  • Notice of Availability and Request for Comments on Draft Director's Order #71C Concerning Consultation With Indian and Alaska Native Tribes (Interior)
  • Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries off West Coast States; Tribal Usual and Accustomed Fishing Areas (Commerce)
  • Tribal Consultation for HUBZone Program Updates and Clarifications and Potential Reforms Under Executive Order 14112 (U.S. Small Business Administration)
  • Alaska Native Claims Selection (Interior)
  • Alaska Native Claims Selection (Interior)
  • Alaska Native Claims Selection (Interior)

Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin (contact us if you need help finding a copy of an article)

  • Barriers and opportunities for tribal access to public health data to advance health equity.
  • Building a strong and diverse workforce? Consider Indian preference, in the private sector.
  • Chapter I: Indigenous law.
  • Indigenous arts and crafts and copyright law: A comparative analysis of the United States and Australian legal frameworks.
  • Indigenous Peoples and international trade law.
  • Indigenous Peoples' cultural heritage and international law: A tale of wrongs and of struggle for survival and renaissance.
  • Lifeworld, landscape, and law: From territoriality to rights in knowledge.
  • Upholding tribal sovereignty in federal, state, and local emergency vaccine distribution plans.

News Bulletin

This week, in brief:

  • DOI releases final report on the traumatic legacy of Indian boarding schools
  • Land back: Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska get back 1,600 acres that were illegally taken by US 50 years ago
  • Florida man indicted in Wisconsin on charges of selling fake Native American jewelry
  • Native American exhibits at major museums closed months ago, but Tribes are still waiting to get artifacts back
  • Getting Native voters means organizing and removing barriers, leaders say