February 28, 2024

Indian Law Bulletins Updated 2/28/24

Federal Courts Bulletin

  • Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians v. Department of Health and Human Services, et al. (Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA))
  • Mallard v. Howard and Rop (Religious Freedom Restoration Act; Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA))
  • Bitsuie v. Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (Navajo and Hopi Indian Land Settlement Act of 1974; Administrative Procedure Act)
  • United States v. Anderson (Criminal; Disqualification of Prosecutor)
  • Puyallup Tribe of Indians v. Electron Hydro, LLC, et al. (Ripeness)
  • Garren v. Dzurenda, et al. (Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA))
  • The Sovereign Natchez Nation, et al. v. Riverside County Department of Social Services-Children Protective Services, et al. (Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA); Federal Recognition)

Tribal Courts Bulletin

  • Colorado River Indian Tribes v. Alliant Insurance Services, et al. (Motion to Dismiss Order Appealability)
  • Mazzetti, et al. v. Kolb, et al. (Enrollment; Tribal Sovereign Immunity; Exhaust Administrative Remedies)
  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation v. Drake (Withdraw Plea; Manifest Injustice)
  • Muscogee (Creek) Nation v. Wilson (Criminal Jurisdiction; Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022)
  • Campos v. The People of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (Ineffective Assistance of Counsel; Sentencing)
  • The People of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians v. Gipson (Sentencing)
  • Perrault v. GTB Housing (Eviction)
  • O'Campo v. Twyman and Colorado River Indian Tribes (Eviction; Trust Land)

State Courts Bulletin

  • In re Samantha F. (Indian Child Welfare Act)
  • In the Matter of the Dependency of: A.T. (Indian Child Welfare Act)

U.S. Legislation - 118th Congress Bulletin

  • S.3802 - A bill to make additional Federal public land available for selection under the Alaska Native Vietnam era veterans land allotment program, and for other purposes.

U.S. Regulatory Bulletin

  • Statement of Findings: Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and the Chickasaw Nation Water Rights Settlement (Interior)
  • Indian Child Welfare Act; Designated Tribal Agents for Service of Notice (Interior)
  • Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Tribal Child Support Enforcement Direct Funding Requests: (Office of Management and Budget #0970-0218) (HHS)
  • Proposed Information Collection Activity; Family Violence Prevention and Services Grants to States; Native American Tribes and Alaskan Native Villages; and State Domestic Violence Coalitions (Office of Management and Budget #0970-0280) (HHS)
  • Reservation Economic Summit (RES) Tribal Consultation Notice (HHS)
  • Subsistence Management Regulations for Public Lands in Alaska-Subpart B; Federal Subsistence Board Membership (Interior)
  • Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (HHS)

Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin (contact us if you need help finding a copy of an article)

  • Getting the green light: Renewable energy as an internal Tribal matter.
  • Missing the mark: How legislative adjustments to the disparagement clause could promote the revocation of trademarks for professional sporting teams referencing Native American culture.
  • Separate, sovereign, and subjugated: Native citizenship and the 1790 Trade and Intercourse Act.
  • A tangled web of jurisdiction: Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta and the future of justice on the reservation.

News Bulletin

This week, in brief:

  • How Ute Tribes in Colorado resisted U.S. boarding schools
  • Northwest Tribes, Washington and Oregon sign Columbia River salmon agreement at the White House
  • Members, allies of Mohawk Nation protest land settlement talks in downtown Syracuse
  • Native American Tribes gain new authority to stop unwanted hydropower projects
  • South Dakota committee advances bill to enhance Native American voting rights