October 18, 2023

Indian Law Bulletins Updated 10/18/2023

U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin

One petition for certiorari was dismissed on 10/10/2023:

  • Slockish v. Dept. of Transportation (Religious freedom)

One application for a stay was filed on 10/6/2023:

  • West Flagler Associates v. Haaland (Indian Gaming Regulatory Act)

Federal Courts Bulletin

  • Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation v. Wooten (Hunting Treaty Rights; 1868 Treaty of Fort Bridger)
  • Block v. United States (Partition Trust Land; Administrative Procedures Act)
  • United States v. Alaska (Intervention; Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA))
  • Perez and Torres v. City of San Antonio (Preliminary Injunction; Religious Freedom)
  • Arocha v. Blackman and Blackfeet Tribe (Habeas Corpus; Jurisdiction; Indian Civil Rights Act)

Tribal Courts Bulletin

  • In re T.J.S. (State Guardianship Order; Tribal Court Standing)
  • Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Tribal Council v. Romanelli (Tribal Council Procedures Ordinance; Tribal Prosecutor's Ordinance)

State Courts Bulletin

  • State v. American Tobacco Co. (Taxation)
  • In re C.L. (Indian Child Welfare Act)

U.S. Legislation - 118th Congress Bulletin

  • S.3044 - Mount Blue Sky Wilderness Act / A bill to redesignate the Mount Evans Wilderness as the "Mount Blue Sky Wilderness," and for other purposes.
  • H.R.5962 - To redesignate the Mount Evans Wilderness as the "Mount Blue Sky Wilderness", and for other purposes.
  • H.R.5970 - To amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to allow the Secretary of Agriculture to enter into self-determination contracts with Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations to carry out supplemental nutrition assistance programs.

U.S. Regulatory Bulletin

  • Notice of Expansion and Proposed Restructuring of the Digital Opportunity Demonstration Program (HUD)
  • Indigenous Peoples' Day, 2023 (Executive Office of the President)

Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin (contact us if you need help finding a copy of an article)

  • Clean up your act: The U.S. government's CERCLA liability for uranium mines on the Navajo Nation.
  • Not so clear and plain: Exploring the circuit split on the applicability of federal labor & employment laws to tribes.
  • The pursuit of health and well-being: 45 years of Native Hawaiian rights.
  • Tribal water rights: Private law alternatives to the federal trust doctrine.
  • Tsi?latiliwahslu∙nihe kayanlahsla? (Of the place they make matters or issues right).

News Bulletin

This week, in brief:

  • 'We have to take back our education' | Lakota language immersion school preserves language and culture
  • Native American Rights Fund files amicus brief before Ninth Circuit
  • Congress will debate whether to rename the Mount Evans Wilderness west of Denver
  • New York museum unveils repatriation overhaul after ethical awakening
  • States opposed tribes’ access to the Colorado River 70 years ago. History is repeating itself.