U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
Alabama v. PCI Gaming Authority (Tribal Gaming, Sovereign Immunity)
U.S. Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Akina v. Hawaii (Voting Rights, Voter Registration- Regulations)
News Bulletin
In the Intergovernmental section, we feature an article about a Carcieri compromise bill.
Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin
We feature an article on improving tribal collaboration in California’s Integrated Regional Water Management program.
U.S. Legislation Bulletin
We added two new bills:
S.1419: Native Language Immersion Student Achievement Act.
H.R.3911: To make technical amendments to the Act of December 22, 1974, relating to lands of the Navajo Tribe, and for other purposes.
U.S. Regulatory Bulletin
One of the items we feature is new rules of the Department of Interior, National Parks Service, regarding hunting and trapping in National Preserves in Alaska.