Cobell v. Jewell (Attorney Fees, Trust Fund)
United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation v. Jewell (Tribal Trust Accounts, Fiduciary Duty)
Tohono O'odham Nation v. Ducey (Casino Construction, Authorized Indian Gaming)
State Courts Bulletin
Ashlee W. v. Department of Child Safety (Indian Child Welfare Act - Termination of Parental Rights, Drug Abuse)
In re M.R. (Indian Child Welfare Act - Application)
News Bulletin
In the Intergovernmental section, we feature an article on an 11th Circuit tax decision that could have nationwide effects.
Law Review & Bar Journal Bulletin
One of the three featured articles discusses water rights, water quality, and regulatory jurisdiction in Indian country.
U.S. Legislation Bulletin
One new bill was added:
S.2063: A bill to provide compensation to injured persons relating to the Gold King Mine spill, to amend the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 to address mining-related issues, and for other purposes.
Regulatory Bulletin
We feature notices from Department of Treasury as well as Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, for feedback on tribal consultation policies.