U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin http://www.narf.org/nill/bulletins/sct/2014-2015update.html
Petition for Certiorari was filed in Nebraska v. Parker (Surplus Land Acts) on 5/27/15 and in Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma v. Borough of Jim Thorpe (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) on 6/2/15.
U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
Big Lagoon Rancheria v. State of California (Gaming Compact; Good Faith Negotiations; Land Into Trust)
Sorace v. United States (Federal Tort Claims Act; Drunk Driving; Wrongful Death)
State Courts Bulletin
Cosentino v. Fuller (Wrongful Termination; Indian Gaming)
In re Doe (Termination of Parental Rights; Concurrent Jurisdiction)
News Bulletin
In the Culture and Tradition section, we feature an article about a case before the U.S. Supreme Court to allow reburial of Jim Thorpe.
Regulatory Bulletin
We feature a notice of the Department of Interior regarding land acquisition for the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians of California.
U.S. Legislation Bulletin
One new bill was added:
S.133: Klamath Basin Water Recovery and Economic Restoration Act of 2015.