U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin See the May 21, 2015, Update Memoranda at the Tribal Supreme Court Project website.
U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
Quechan Tribe of Fort Yuma Indian Reservation v. United States (Fiduciary Duty - Health Care)
Tremblay v. Mohegan Sun Casino (Age Discrimination; Tribal Casinos)
Fort Yates Public School District #4 v. Murphy (Jurisdiction; Tribal Sovereign Immunity)
Belcourt Public School District v. Davis (Jurisdiction; Defamation)
State Courts Bulletin
Seminole Tribe of Florida v. Florida (State Taxation - Rental; State Taxation - Utilities)
Idaho v. Coeur d'Alene Tribe (Indian Gaming - Class III)
United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Griffith v. Caney Valley Public Schools (Freedom of Religion; Education Policy)
Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians v. United States (Tribal Land Rights)
Fort Sill Apache Tribe v. National Indian Gaming Commission and Chaudhuri (Indian Gaming; National Indian Gaming Commission - Notice of Violation)
News Bulletin
In the Culture & Tradition section, we feature an article about the international human rights court.
Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
One of the articles featured is about climate justice and displacement.
Regulatory Bulletin
We feature a notice of the Bureau of Indian Education about the availability of grants to tribes and their tribal education departments.
U.S. Legislation Bulletin
We added 11 new bills:
S.1177: Every Child Achieves Act of 2015.
S.818: A bill to amend the Grand Ronde Reservation Act to make technical corrections, and for other purposes.
S.815: Cow Creek Umpqua Land Conveyance Act.
H.R.1730: To amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to provide that Alexander Creek, Alaska, is and shall be recognized as an eligible Native village under that Act, and for other purposes.
H.R.1632: Samish Indian Nation Land Conveyance Act of 2015.
H.R.1296: To amend the San Luis Rey Indian Water Rights Settlement Act to clarify certain settlement terms, and for other purposes.
H.R.1157: Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians Land Transfer Act of 2015.
H.R.1028: Return of Certain Lands at Fort Wingate to The Original Inhabitants Act.
H.R.872: To extend Federal recognition to the Chickahominy Indian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian Tribe-Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rappahannock Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, and the Nansemond Indian Tribe.
H.R.1068: Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Act of 2015.
H.R.996: Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act.