* U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petition for certiorari was denied in Stockbridge-Munsee Cmty. v. New York (Indian Land Claims; Limitation of Action) and in Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation, et al. v. Robert McKenna, Attorney General of Washington (Indian Treaty Interpretation) on 3/09/15.
* United States Federal Trial Courts Bulletin
Massachusetts v. Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Indian Gaming)
Grand Canyon Trust v. Williams (Mining; Historical Preservation)
Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation v. United States (Indian Health Service Contracts)
Texas v. Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo (Indian Gaming; Sweepstakes)
* State Courts Bulletin
Narragansett Indian Tribe v. State of Rhode Island (Indian Gaming; State Constitution)
* News Bulletin
In the Tribal Jurisdiction section, we feature an article about tribes prosecuting non-Indians for domestic abuse under the Violence Against Women Act.
* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
One of the five articles includes creative remedies for tribes extending civil jurisdiction systems over non-Indians.
* Regulatory Bulletin
We feature a notice of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on rate adjustments for Indian irrigation projects.
* U.S. Legislation Bulletin
Two bills were added:
H.R.5 - Student Success Act
H.R.895 - Native Hawaiian Education Reauthorization Act of 2015
Will the Marijuana Industry Spread to Indian Country? The West LegalEdcenter is offering a CLE program on this topic on April 21, at noon, (EDT). For more information see the West LegalEdcenter website.