September 19, 2014

NILL added new content to 6 Indian Law Bulletins on 9/19

Supreme Court building
* U.S. Supreme Court Bulletin
Petition for certiorari was filed in Hicks v. Hudson Insurance Company (sovereign immunity, insurance) on 9/3/14.

* U.S. Courts of Appeals Bulletin
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe v. Jewell (tribe's assignment of land to members)
* State Courts Bulletin
Cases featured:
Native Village of Tununak v. State, Dept. of Health & Social Services, Office of Children's Services (Indian Child Welfare Act, placement)

* News Bulletin
One of the articles featured: "Law prof files FCC complaint over use of NFL team's 'r-word' name."

* Law Review & Bar Journal Indian Law Bulletin
We feature an article about the report from the Indian Law & Order Commission regarding making Native America safer.

* Regulatory Bulletin
We feature a proposed rule from the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, relating to funding for tribally controlled colleges.