A blog covering current events in federal and tribal American Indian Law.
December 2, 2010
New book on employment law in Indian country
This title will fill a void in this important area of Indian law and is scheduled for periodic updates. See more information about the book at the Turtle Talk Blog.
October 5, 2010
Tribal Court's Authority Confirmed by U.S. Supreme Court
See NARF's press release on this case.
See also case information at the National Indian Law Library's Supreme Court Bulletin.
September 7, 2010
NARF's 40th Anniversary Celebration to be held October 29th

Please join us at our 40th Anniversary Celebration to be held October 29th, 2010 hosted by the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma and the WinStar World Casino in Thackerville, Oklahoma. Click here for event details and tickets!
Thank You 2010 NARF Summer Law Clerks

Meet the clerks who worked with us this summer : Daniel Cordalis, Shannon Michael, Mariah Thompson, Colleen Lamarre and Jaimie Park.
NILL Law Librarian Receives National Award for Public Service

David Selden, NILL Law Librarian, has been awarded the 2010 recipient of the Roy M. Mersky Spirit of Law Librarianship Award for Public Service Committee. The award, was created in order to give special recognition to individual law librarians engaged in significant acts of charitable work or community or social service. David was selected for this award for his commitment to environmental sustainability. " The primary focus of his work concerns encouraging communities, organizations and individuals to develop day to day practices that eliminate waste and reduce carbon emissions, " stated the award announcement. Read more about this award.
National Indian Law Library Receives Facelift from Local Volunteers

NARF Attorney Appointed as Colorado Indian Commission Member

Read the full story
August 27, 2010
Resources on the Tribal Law and Order Act 2010
June 28, 2010
EPA Seeks Comments on Consultation Policy with Indian Tribes
Follow this link to information about opportunities to comment on and view a proposed policy. Telephone conferences are set for July 8 and 19.
June 16, 2010
Shinnecock Nation is Formally Recognized
U.S. Recognizes and Indian tribe on Long Island, clearing the way for a casino (NYTimes) 6/15/10.
Shinnecock Tribe formally recognized by Federal Government (New York Magazine) 6/15/10.
Shinnecocks receive final word on federal recognition (Southampton Press) 6/15/10.
April 15, 2010
EPA Announces New Office of International and Tribal Affairs
Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, who has highlighted strengthening tribal partnerships as a top priority during her tenure, recently announced an internal restructuring that brings EPA’s international and tribal programs together under one umbrella organization called the Office of International & Tribal Affairs. This restructuring was initiated in response to a request from the tribes to reconsider the proper location of the American Indian Environmental Office....
Read more from Indian Country Today
February 17, 2010
2/17 - U.S. Dept. Justice Unveils Plan for Consultation with Tribes
Justice Department Unveils Plan of Action for Consultation and Coordination with Tribes
Responds to Presidential Memorandum
The Justice Department today made public its plan of action, submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to improve consultation and coordination between the Justice Department and tribal nations, as directed by President Barack Obama’s Memorandum on Tribal Consultation. The Presidential Memorandum, signed on Nov. 5, 2009, at the White House Tribal Nations Conference, directed each federal agency to submit to OMB within 90 days a plan of action to implement President Clinton’s Executive Order 13175 on Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments. The Justice Department’s plan was submitted to OMB on January 27, 2010.
See the plan at: http://justice.gov/opa/documents/exec13175-consultation-policy.pdf